Friday, September 10, 2010

I made an egg!

I finished my clomid on the 5 of September.
I had an HSG on the 7th and it was very awkward and uncomfortable.
They informed me that everything was flowing well and I have a tight cervix.
Today I had a Follicle Study Ultrasound!
I made an Egg!!!! Hallelujah I'm going to ovulate!
Also I have a nice thick Uterine Lining! Perfect for an attaching baby! 
Now for the hard part!
Fertilizing that Egg!
Please keep us in your thoughts as we attempt to create a new life!


  1. Good luck to you in your quest.
    I feel a lot of sympathy towards couples who have to 'work' to make a baby.
    I will do a 'baby' dance in your honor. Similar to a rain dance, minus the rain!
