Tuesday, November 29, 2011

6 months

On November 19th Zach turned 6 months old! It is crazy to think he has only been in my life for half of a year! It seems like he has been here forever!
His stats are 15lbs 11oz (he was all over the scale though and I think he is actually a little over 16lbs) (25%ile), 27 inches long (75%ile)! He is going to be tall and skinny just like his parents! Poor kid!
At six months he can:
*Roll front to back and back to front!
*Scootch himself to an object using his mouth, hands and feet! It is quite amusing to watch!
* Sit up on his own!
*Move around in his exersaucer. It is pretty cute!
*Jump like a crazy man in his jumperoo!
*Is still breastfeeding!!
*loves solid foods! Will only eat Carrots and Green beans if mixed with Cereal!
*talks a mile a minute!
*say MAMAMAMAMAMAMAMA (my favorite!)
Pictures to come! I have to take them off of my camera!

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