I hope everyone has a delightful and LOVE filled holiday! We celebrated early! We went out to dinner at our favorite little Thai place and then we got some coffee and hot chocolate! I got a Kindle Fire! Woohoo! Love my husband! I got him a card and a baby free evening ;)
My Kindle Fire is so fun! I have read a ton of books already also my old Kindle will make a nice camping kindle! We are planning our first camping trip for sometime after Zach's first birthday!
Zach is 9 Months old on the 19th! He has had a bit of a development explosion!
*He has 2 teeth!
*He bites! OUCH!
*He crawls! Fast!
*He pulls himself up on everything!
*He cruises all around the sectional!
*He basically only wants to feed himself and is off the puree!
*He refuses to sleep through the night unless he is in our bed (BAH, not even sure how we started it, but I wish we hadn't!)
I can't believe how fast the time has gone! I can't wait to have another baby (Am I crazy?)! All of my friends are getting pregnant again and it is making me consider number 2! My husband has already got us having 4 so I figure I might as well get number 2 out of the way fast!
Yay for a Kindle Fire! I'm tempted to get one.