On November 19th Zach turned 6 months old! It is crazy to think he has only been in my life for half of a year! It seems like he has been here forever!
His stats are 15lbs 11oz (he was all over the scale though and I think he is actually a little over 16lbs) (25%ile), 27 inches long (75%ile)! He is going to be tall and skinny just like his parents! Poor kid!
At six months he can:
*Roll front to back and back to front!
*Scootch himself to an object using his mouth, hands and feet! It is quite amusing to watch!
* Sit up on his own!
*Move around in his exersaucer. It is pretty cute!
*Jump like a crazy man in his jumperoo!
*Is still breastfeeding!!
*loves solid foods! Will only eat Carrots and Green beans if mixed with Cereal!
*talks a mile a minute!
*say MAMAMAMAMAMAMAMA (my favorite!)
Pictures to come! I have to take them off of my camera!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
This year I had so much to be thankful for and was ready to celebrate with my family. We started the day out with my dad's family. It was awful. My dad and his girlfriend took it upon themselves to feed my 6 month old baby cornbread. Needless to say I went all crazy mama bear on them. Then my family told me I needed to apologize. Um no I did not. My dad gave my child an allergen that he is not to have until 1 year of age, behind my back. They disrespected me not vice versa. Then my dad cornered me in the kitchen, got in my face, said "It's fucking food, fuck you, and that I owed him an apology." Ummm again No you crazy people! So we left there me a shaking, crying mess wondering if I would be spending Thanksgiving in the hospital praying for my child. Luckily he was not allergic. I still have not received an apology from my dad or his girlfriend. In fact his girlfriend sent me two very rude messages about the situation and her daughter threatened me on facebook. CLASSY! Needless to say I have cut them all out of my life. I do not need my dad's crap anymore. He has never been nice to me and in the past I've been nearly arrested for Grand Theft Auto because he gave me a car and decided he wanted it back now while I was hours away with no way to get it to him. So this may seem bad but it is good to have all of the negativity and fear of his next blowup out of my life. I feel sorry for him and sorry for my son, but that's about it. Thank God my Father in Law is the greatest, kindest most wonderful man I have ever met.
The next two meals we attended were Awesome. I'm so lucky to have my Mom. She is really the best. My husband's family is also amazing and it was great to be around people who didn't think I was the one who needed to apologize. It made me feel less insane.
So Zach's first Thanksgiving was dramatic to say the least. I am so Thankful to have this baby in my life and I will do anything to keep him feeling safe and loved.
The next two meals we attended were Awesome. I'm so lucky to have my Mom. She is really the best. My husband's family is also amazing and it was great to be around people who didn't think I was the one who needed to apologize. It made me feel less insane.
So Zach's first Thanksgiving was dramatic to say the least. I am so Thankful to have this baby in my life and I will do anything to keep him feeling safe and loved.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Meet Me on Monday
Oh a new thing I'm trying because I never blog, which seems crazy.
1. Do your family/friends know about your blog?
I've never mentioned it so probably not.
2. What is your favorite card game?
Does Uno count? I like it and Go Fish. Not much of a card player. Solitaire and War are also fun!
3. What do you wear to bed?
Usually a t-shirt or tank top and sweat or pajama pants
4. What is your favorite kind of french fry?
I really love fair fries, coated in vinegar. Maybe with a little ketchup and definitely a lemon shake up!
5. What is your usual bedtime?
Sadly I go to bed about a half an hour after the baby, so I would say between 8 and 9 every night (and I'm still exhausted every morning!)
Monday, October 31, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
5 months
Zach @ 5 months
*eats pears, sweet potatoes, cereal, apples (all homemade!)
*sits up for a minute or so unassisted!
*rolls (but only when in the mood)
*loves his jumperoo
*tries to squirm his way to his toys when on his tummy!
*loves teething toys (working on some teeth? Possibly!)
*is the cutest, sweetest baby in all of the land!

Going to try this on monday! I want to get in the habit of blogging more!
*eats pears, sweet potatoes, cereal, apples (all homemade!)
*sits up for a minute or so unassisted!
*rolls (but only when in the mood)
*loves his jumperoo
*tries to squirm his way to his toys when on his tummy!
*loves teething toys (working on some teeth? Possibly!)
*is the cutest, sweetest baby in all of the land!
Going to try this on monday! I want to get in the habit of blogging more!
Monday, September 26, 2011
4 Months old!!
Holy Moly time is flying by! Zach is 4 months old!! At the doctor this month he weighed 14lbs 2ozs and was 24 1/2 inches long!
Here is what he has been up to:
*Rolling over (both ways)
*Chattering up a storm
*Almost sitting up unassisted
*Petting the dogs
*kissing the dogs
*laughing at the dogs
*Eating Cereal!!!
I'm pretty sure I'm raising the next Michael Vick, when our dogs wrestle he giggles and pretty much cheers them on! I think he wishes he were part of the action! For two vegetarians we are very concerned about his future treatment of animals ;)
We also left him overnight for the first time so we could go out and see my favorite band, Cornmeal, in a nearby city! It was amazing! I was exhausted the next day and my body ached from all of the dancing but it was so fun to act baby less again! I did call my mom when the show was over to check in! He was sleeping like the perfect little angel that he is!
We also took a trip to the zoo! He actually looked at the animals, I figured he would just sleep! We saw many things the most notable a baboon erection. YIKES! We were all traumatized :)
I am planning to knit him a skunk costume for halloween! He will be the cutest little skunk! Hopefully I can get it done!
Here's my boy eating cereal for the first time:
Here is what he has been up to:
*Rolling over (both ways)
*Chattering up a storm
*Almost sitting up unassisted
*Petting the dogs
*kissing the dogs
*laughing at the dogs
*Eating Cereal!!!
I'm pretty sure I'm raising the next Michael Vick, when our dogs wrestle he giggles and pretty much cheers them on! I think he wishes he were part of the action! For two vegetarians we are very concerned about his future treatment of animals ;)
We also left him overnight for the first time so we could go out and see my favorite band, Cornmeal, in a nearby city! It was amazing! I was exhausted the next day and my body ached from all of the dancing but it was so fun to act baby less again! I did call my mom when the show was over to check in! He was sleeping like the perfect little angel that he is!
We also took a trip to the zoo! He actually looked at the animals, I figured he would just sleep! We saw many things the most notable a baboon erection. YIKES! We were all traumatized :)
I am planning to knit him a skunk costume for halloween! He will be the cutest little skunk! Hopefully I can get it done!
Here's my boy eating cereal for the first time:
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
SAHM and my baby is almost 3 months old!!
So first I have been going to school for a second bachelor's degree, however the government now says No more money for me! JERKS! So we are kicking around the idea of me finding a part time evening job to pay off my loans and being a daytime SAHM. I'm not going to lie I have wanted to be a stay at home mom forever and now I am being given the opportunity to do so. I am nervous about it and worried about paying back my loans but I am also incredibly excited to be able to watch my child grow and change during the day to day grind!
Now Zach is almost 3 months old! Where on Earth did the time go??
Here are some bullets and stats!
At our last doctor visit on July 23rd, Zach weighed in at 11lbs 8ozs and was 22 1/2 feet long! He is getting to be a big boy!
He currently:
*sleeps all night (HALLELUJAH)
*Smiles the biggest cutest smile I have ever had the pleasure of seeing!
*has rolled over once!
*loves cooing to his toys and anything or anyone that will give him attention!
*makes the funniest faces
*hates doggy kisses!
*is so strong, he holds up his head and has great control!
I will leave you with some photos! Thanks for reading!
Now Zach is almost 3 months old! Where on Earth did the time go??
Here are some bullets and stats!
At our last doctor visit on July 23rd, Zach weighed in at 11lbs 8ozs and was 22 1/2 feet long! He is getting to be a big boy!
He currently:
*sleeps all night (HALLELUJAH)
*Smiles the biggest cutest smile I have ever had the pleasure of seeing!
*has rolled over once!
*loves cooing to his toys and anything or anyone that will give him attention!
*makes the funniest faces
*hates doggy kisses!
*is so strong, he holds up his head and has great control!
I will leave you with some photos! Thanks for reading!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Birth Story
I needed to get this down somewhere before I completely forget!!
On Sunday May 15th, I lost my mucus plug. If you don't know what a mucus plug is you are lucky! It is gross! Anyway in childbirth class we learned that when you lose your mucus plug labor is not far! I was worried because although I would be considered full term on May 16th, it was still early! I felt fine that night but on Monday I felt icky! I laid around all day wondering if I was in labor and how the heck to tell if I was having contractions or not! I was but nothing major I guess I was probably in early labor and had no idea!
On Tuesday the 17th I felt better, no contractions and I didn't even vomit! So my sister and my mother had schemed to get me moving. My sister told me she needed some stuff at the mall, so she took me to the mall and I swear she made me walk the mall ten times! I was on to her but didn't say! She posted on her facebook the next day that she was trying to start my labor, I told her good luck with that but it would still be several weeks before she met her nephew, wishful thinking?? maybe!
On Wednesday the 18th, I felt sore all over my body, probably from all of the mall walking! I just rested all day I was in bed by 9pm. I felt great when I went to sleep on the sofa, but at 11:30 something woke me up. So I woke up my husband and told him I thought I was in labor, he said okay and promptly fell back to sleep. I sent my mom a text to see if she had any insight! By 12:30 I knew I was in labor! The contractions were pretty close together and I woke my husband for real! I told him I thought we needed to be timing these suckers! So he got his cell phone stop watch and started timing them. They were about 4 minutes apart. So I labored for a bit, which included vomiting and other such lovely nonsense, and then we called the doctor! At this point I needed a shower I was yucky and hadn't showered that day, so I got a shower, I did not want to get out! If you are ever laboring at home the water feels amazing and makes the contractions hurt less! By the time I was in the shower the contractions were 2 mins. apart and we still hadn't heard from the doctor. I made my husband call the doctor back because a home birth was not in my plan! The doctor got back to us around 2:30 and told us to please head to the hospital! So we packed up the car and made a few phone calls!
One of those phone calls was to my sister in law, she is an er nurse at the hospital, she was working that night and met us in triage! She then wheeled me up to Labor and Delivery Triage. They checked me there and I was 5cms! Holy crap, this was really happening! I was frightened but tried to play it cool. They tried to push pain meds, I said no. They got me admitted and moved me to my room. By this time the contractions were coming so hard and fast, they remained 2 mins apart for the remainder of labor, which was relatively quick!
My sister in law stayed with us for a bit as her shift was over. She was the best back massager! My mom arrived and it was nice to have 3 support people. I was very out of it at this point and hadn't a clue what was really going on but my water was not breaking and the baby's head was not dropping. At about 7 am they broke my labor because I was trying to push! Once they broke my waters the baby's head dropped into place and I began pushing! My dr. arrived and didn't do much! Luckily they have a shift change at 8:00 and I got a new Dr. He was awesome very calming and directive! I pushed in many different positions and finally delivered my baby at 8:15am. 5 hours after I arrived at the hospital!
I do remember being worried because there was some meconium in the water, he was fine perfectly healthy no aspiration, Thank Goodness!
Also my husband was amazing and there for me the whole time.
Natural labor is hard but wonderful!
Seeing the baby come out is incredibly surreal!
I tore and had to receive an episiotomy and stitches :(
Also I had just had my Group B strep swab and the results were not in. Penicillin in your IV burns almost as badly as the baby crowning!
I am not sure if I can ever have another child because labor still scares the crap out of me!
Thanks for reading that!
On Sunday May 15th, I lost my mucus plug. If you don't know what a mucus plug is you are lucky! It is gross! Anyway in childbirth class we learned that when you lose your mucus plug labor is not far! I was worried because although I would be considered full term on May 16th, it was still early! I felt fine that night but on Monday I felt icky! I laid around all day wondering if I was in labor and how the heck to tell if I was having contractions or not! I was but nothing major I guess I was probably in early labor and had no idea!
On Tuesday the 17th I felt better, no contractions and I didn't even vomit! So my sister and my mother had schemed to get me moving. My sister told me she needed some stuff at the mall, so she took me to the mall and I swear she made me walk the mall ten times! I was on to her but didn't say! She posted on her facebook the next day that she was trying to start my labor, I told her good luck with that but it would still be several weeks before she met her nephew, wishful thinking?? maybe!
On Wednesday the 18th, I felt sore all over my body, probably from all of the mall walking! I just rested all day I was in bed by 9pm. I felt great when I went to sleep on the sofa, but at 11:30 something woke me up. So I woke up my husband and told him I thought I was in labor, he said okay and promptly fell back to sleep. I sent my mom a text to see if she had any insight! By 12:30 I knew I was in labor! The contractions were pretty close together and I woke my husband for real! I told him I thought we needed to be timing these suckers! So he got his cell phone stop watch and started timing them. They were about 4 minutes apart. So I labored for a bit, which included vomiting and other such lovely nonsense, and then we called the doctor! At this point I needed a shower I was yucky and hadn't showered that day, so I got a shower, I did not want to get out! If you are ever laboring at home the water feels amazing and makes the contractions hurt less! By the time I was in the shower the contractions were 2 mins. apart and we still hadn't heard from the doctor. I made my husband call the doctor back because a home birth was not in my plan! The doctor got back to us around 2:30 and told us to please head to the hospital! So we packed up the car and made a few phone calls!
One of those phone calls was to my sister in law, she is an er nurse at the hospital, she was working that night and met us in triage! She then wheeled me up to Labor and Delivery Triage. They checked me there and I was 5cms! Holy crap, this was really happening! I was frightened but tried to play it cool. They tried to push pain meds, I said no. They got me admitted and moved me to my room. By this time the contractions were coming so hard and fast, they remained 2 mins apart for the remainder of labor, which was relatively quick!
My sister in law stayed with us for a bit as her shift was over. She was the best back massager! My mom arrived and it was nice to have 3 support people. I was very out of it at this point and hadn't a clue what was really going on but my water was not breaking and the baby's head was not dropping. At about 7 am they broke my labor because I was trying to push! Once they broke my waters the baby's head dropped into place and I began pushing! My dr. arrived and didn't do much! Luckily they have a shift change at 8:00 and I got a new Dr. He was awesome very calming and directive! I pushed in many different positions and finally delivered my baby at 8:15am. 5 hours after I arrived at the hospital!
I do remember being worried because there was some meconium in the water, he was fine perfectly healthy no aspiration, Thank Goodness!
Also my husband was amazing and there for me the whole time.
Natural labor is hard but wonderful!
Seeing the baby come out is incredibly surreal!
I tore and had to receive an episiotomy and stitches :(
Also I had just had my Group B strep swab and the results were not in. Penicillin in your IV burns almost as badly as the baby crowning!
I am not sure if I can ever have another child because labor still scares the crap out of me!
Thanks for reading that!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Zachariah Nathaniel
So my due date was Monday (June 6) but my little man had other ideas. He arrived on May 19th at 8:15am! He was 8lbs 1oz and 20 inches long. He is the most amazing beautiful baby I have ever seen and I love him so much!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
33 weeks 3 days
How far along? 33 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: +25lbs
Total weight gain/loss: +25lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes, they are pretty comfortable!
Stretch marks? Maybe
Sleep: I can sleep but only in fits and starts! It is impossible to get comfortable and I constantly have to pee!
Best moment this week: My Baby Shower! I will do a picture post later!
Stretch marks? Maybe
Sleep: I can sleep but only in fits and starts! It is impossible to get comfortable and I constantly have to pee!
Best moment this week: My Baby Shower! I will do a picture post later!
Movement: Yes all of the time!
Food cravings: iced tea
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No but I have been having some Braxton Hicks contractions!
Belly Button in or out? It is still in, but there is a little flap of skin which, keeps getting bigger, leading me to believe it will be popping out sooner or later!
What I miss: being able to bend without compressing internal organs ;)
What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery and meeting the little guy!
Weekly Wisdom: Try to enjoy pregnancy, it doesn't really last that long and most of it goes by in a blur!
Milestones: After my next OB visit I will be visiting the OB every week! HOLY SCHNIKES!!!!!
Food cravings: iced tea
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No but I have been having some Braxton Hicks contractions!
Belly Button in or out? It is still in, but there is a little flap of skin which, keeps getting bigger, leading me to believe it will be popping out sooner or later!
What I miss: being able to bend without compressing internal organs ;)
What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery and meeting the little guy!
Weekly Wisdom: Try to enjoy pregnancy, it doesn't really last that long and most of it goes by in a blur!
Milestones: After my next OB visit I will be visiting the OB every week! HOLY SCHNIKES!!!!!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
29 weeks!!
How far along? 29 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: holding steady at +18.5 pounds (at last doctor visit)
Total weight gain/loss: holding steady at +18.5 pounds (at last doctor visit)
Maternity clothes? Yes, they are pretty comfortable!
Stretch marks? Maybe
Sleep: I can sleep but only in fits and starts! It is impossible to get comfortable and I constantly have to pee!
Best moment this week: Getting things done in the nursery!! LOVE IT! Can't wait until it's finished so I can post photos!
Stretch marks? Maybe
Sleep: I can sleep but only in fits and starts! It is impossible to get comfortable and I constantly have to pee!
Best moment this week: Getting things done in the nursery!! LOVE IT! Can't wait until it's finished so I can post photos!
Movement: Yes all of the time!
Food cravings: muffins!
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No but I have been having some Braxton Hicks contractions!
Belly Button in or out? It is still in, but there is a little flap of skin which, keeps getting bigger, leading me to believe it will be popping out sooner or later!
What I miss: being able to bend without compressing internal organs ;)
What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery, baby shower and meeting the little guy!
Weekly Wisdom: Try to enjoy pregnancy, it doesn't really last that long and most of it goes by in a blur!
Milestones: Visiting the OB every 2 weeks! Yikes, it is getting closer and closer! Can't wait to hold my baby boy!
Food cravings: muffins!
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No but I have been having some Braxton Hicks contractions!
Belly Button in or out? It is still in, but there is a little flap of skin which, keeps getting bigger, leading me to believe it will be popping out sooner or later!
What I miss: being able to bend without compressing internal organs ;)
What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery, baby shower and meeting the little guy!
Weekly Wisdom: Try to enjoy pregnancy, it doesn't really last that long and most of it goes by in a blur!
Milestones: Visiting the OB every 2 weeks! Yikes, it is getting closer and closer! Can't wait to hold my baby boy!
In other exciting news we were able to schedule a bunch of work to be completed on the house before the baby comes! We will be finishing our basement, getting new flooring in the kitchen, staining the woodwork we stripped in the kitchen and having several rooms painted! I can't wait this will really take some stress off and help to make the house more liveable when the baby arrives!!
Monday, March 14, 2011
How far along? 28 weeks 0 days
Total weight gain/loss: +18.5 pounds (at last doctor visit)
Total weight gain/loss: +18.5 pounds (at last doctor visit)
Maternity clothes? Yes, they are pretty comfortable!
Stretch marks? Maybe
Sleep: I can sleep but only in fits and starts! It is impossible to get comfortable and I constantly have to pee!
Best moment this week: Third Trimester!!
Stretch marks? Maybe
Sleep: I can sleep but only in fits and starts! It is impossible to get comfortable and I constantly have to pee!
Best moment this week: Third Trimester!!
Movement: Yes all of the time!
Food cravings: Still Ice Cream! Chocolate dipped in Chocolate from Dairy Queen! I also dream of chocolate covered bananas but haven't been able to find them anywhere!!!
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? It is still in, but there is a little flap of skin which, keeps getting bigger, leading me to believe it will be popping out sooner or later!
What I miss: being able to bend without compressing internal organs ;)
What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery, baby shower and meeting the little guy!
Weekly Wisdom: Try to enjoy pregnancy, it doesn't really last that long and most of it goes by in a blur!
Milestones: Third Trimester! HOORAY!!
Food cravings: Still Ice Cream! Chocolate dipped in Chocolate from Dairy Queen! I also dream of chocolate covered bananas but haven't been able to find them anywhere!!!
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? It is still in, but there is a little flap of skin which, keeps getting bigger, leading me to believe it will be popping out sooner or later!
What I miss: being able to bend without compressing internal organs ;)
What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery, baby shower and meeting the little guy!
Weekly Wisdom: Try to enjoy pregnancy, it doesn't really last that long and most of it goes by in a blur!
Milestones: Third Trimester! HOORAY!!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
26 Weeks!!
How far along? 26 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: +18.5 pounds (at last doctor visit)
Total weight gain/loss: +18.5 pounds (at last doctor visit)
Maternity clothes? Yes, they are pretty comfortable!
Stretch marks? Maybe
Sleep: I can sleep but only in fits and starts! It is impossible to get comfortable and I constantly have to pee!
Best moment this week: Scheduling my Rhogam shot! Labor is nearing!!
Stretch marks? Maybe
Sleep: I can sleep but only in fits and starts! It is impossible to get comfortable and I constantly have to pee!
Best moment this week: Scheduling my Rhogam shot! Labor is nearing!!
Movement: Yes all of the time!
Food cravings: Still Ice Cream! Chocolate dipped in Chocolate from Dairy Queen! I also dream of chocolate covered bananas but haven't been able to find them anywhere!!!
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? It is still in, but there is a little flap of skin which, keeps getting bigger, leading me to believe it will be popping out sooner or later!
What I miss: being able to bend without compressing internal organs ;)
What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery, baby shower and meeting the little guy!
Weekly Wisdom: Try to enjoy pregnancy, it doesn't really last that long and most of it goes by in a blur!
Milestones: Viability!!
Food cravings: Still Ice Cream! Chocolate dipped in Chocolate from Dairy Queen! I also dream of chocolate covered bananas but haven't been able to find them anywhere!!!
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? It is still in, but there is a little flap of skin which, keeps getting bigger, leading me to believe it will be popping out sooner or later!
What I miss: being able to bend without compressing internal organs ;)
What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery, baby shower and meeting the little guy!
Weekly Wisdom: Try to enjoy pregnancy, it doesn't really last that long and most of it goes by in a blur!
Milestones: Viability!!
24 Weeks! Even bigger now! |
I think I'm about 14 weeks here! My how I have grown! |
I am feeling HUGE these days! I am normally a very teeny tiny girl, weighing in at 100 pounds never really tipping the scales at more than 105 so to be weighing in at approximately 120 pounds is really taking a toll on my body, though I am hoping for some of that extra to stick around after I give birth!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
25 weeks
How far along? 25 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: +17 pounds (at last doctor visit)
Total weight gain/loss: +17 pounds (at last doctor visit)
Maternity clothes? Yes, they are pretty comfortable!
Stretch marks? Maybe
Sleep: I can sleep but only in fits and starts! It is impossible to get comfortable and I constantly have to pee!
Best moment this week: Passing my glucose test!!
Stretch marks? Maybe
Sleep: I can sleep but only in fits and starts! It is impossible to get comfortable and I constantly have to pee!
Best moment this week: Passing my glucose test!!
Movement: Yes all of the time!
Food cravings: Well I dreamed of Chocolate Ice Cream last night so I'm going with that!
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? It is still in, but there is a little flap of skin which leads me to believe it will be popping out sooner or later!
What I miss: being able to bend without compressing internal organs ;)
What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery, baby shower and meeting the little guy!
Weekly Wisdom: Try to enjoy pregnancy, it doesn't really last that long and most of it goes by in a blur!
Milestones: Viability!!
Food cravings: Well I dreamed of Chocolate Ice Cream last night so I'm going with that!
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? It is still in, but there is a little flap of skin which leads me to believe it will be popping out sooner or later!
What I miss: being able to bend without compressing internal organs ;)
What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery, baby shower and meeting the little guy!
Weekly Wisdom: Try to enjoy pregnancy, it doesn't really last that long and most of it goes by in a blur!
Milestones: Viability!!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
24 Weeks
How far along? 24 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: +15 pounds (probably up more now, I just don't own a scale and haven't been to the doctor!)
Total weight gain/loss: +15 pounds (probably up more now, I just don't own a scale and haven't been to the doctor!)
Maternity clothes? Yes, they are pretty comfortable!
Stretch marks? Maybe, I can't see them all of the time but I think I spotted one the other day!
Sleep: Having a hard time getting comfortable though I don't have to get up to use the bathroom as much!
Best moment this week: when my 8 year old cousin felt the baby! She thought it was so cool!
Stretch marks? Maybe, I can't see them all of the time but I think I spotted one the other day!
Sleep: Having a hard time getting comfortable though I don't have to get up to use the bathroom as much!
Best moment this week: when my 8 year old cousin felt the baby! She thought it was so cool!
Movement: Yes all of the time!
Food cravings: chocolate dipped in chocolate ice cream cones! which is so refreshing in the negative temperatures ;)
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? It is still in. It looks like a little slit in my stomach! I wonder if it will ever pop out!
What I miss: being able to bend without compressing internal organs ;)
What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery, baby shower and meeting the little guy!
Weekly Wisdom: Try to enjoy pregnancy, it doesn't really last that long and most of it goes by in a blur!
Milestones: Viability!!
Food cravings: chocolate dipped in chocolate ice cream cones! which is so refreshing in the negative temperatures ;)
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? It is still in. It looks like a little slit in my stomach! I wonder if it will ever pop out!
What I miss: being able to bend without compressing internal organs ;)
What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery, baby shower and meeting the little guy!
Weekly Wisdom: Try to enjoy pregnancy, it doesn't really last that long and most of it goes by in a blur!
Milestones: Viability!!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
How far along? 22 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +12 pounds (probably up more now, I just don't own a scale and haven't been to the doctor!)
Total weight gain/loss: +12 pounds (probably up more now, I just don't own a scale and haven't been to the doctor!)
Maternity clothes? Yes, they are pretty comfortable!
Stretch marks? Maybe, I can't see them all of the time but I think I spotted one the other day!
Sleep: Having a hard time getting comfortable and I always have to use the bathroom! Ugh!
Best moment this week: starting our registry
Stretch marks? Maybe, I can't see them all of the time but I think I spotted one the other day!
Sleep: Having a hard time getting comfortable and I always have to use the bathroom! Ugh!
Best moment this week: starting our registry
Movement: Yes all of the time!
Food cravings: Nothing really...
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In but very smushed. It looks like it doesn't currently exist!
What I miss: being able to bend without compressing internal organs ;)
What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery, baby shower and meeting the little guy!
Weekly Wisdom: Try to enjoy pregnancy, it doesn't really last that long and most of it goes by in a blur!
Milestones: Registering!
Food cravings: Nothing really...
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In but very smushed. It looks like it doesn't currently exist!
What I miss: being able to bend without compressing internal organs ;)
What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery, baby shower and meeting the little guy!
Weekly Wisdom: Try to enjoy pregnancy, it doesn't really last that long and most of it goes by in a blur!
Milestones: Registering!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
20 Weeks!!!
How far along? 20 weeks 5 days (measuring about 22 weeks!)
Total weight gain/loss: +12 pounds
Total weight gain/loss: +12 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes, they are pretty comfortable!
Stretch marks? Maybe, I can't see them all of the time but I think I spotted one the other day!
Sleep: Having a hard time getting comfortable and I always have to use the bathroom! Ugh!
Best moment this week: The Ultrasound!
Movement: Yes all of the time!
Food cravings: Nothing really...
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: being able to bend without compressing internal organs ;)
What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery, baby shower and meeting the little guy!
Weekly Wisdom: Try to enjoy pregnancy, it doesn't really last that long and most of it goes by in a blur!
Milestones: Hitting the halfway point! So exciting!
Stretch marks? Maybe, I can't see them all of the time but I think I spotted one the other day!
Sleep: Having a hard time getting comfortable and I always have to use the bathroom! Ugh!
Best moment this week: The Ultrasound!
Movement: Yes all of the time!
Food cravings: Nothing really...
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: being able to bend without compressing internal organs ;)
What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery, baby shower and meeting the little guy!
Weekly Wisdom: Try to enjoy pregnancy, it doesn't really last that long and most of it goes by in a blur!
Milestones: Hitting the halfway point! So exciting!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
19 weeks
How far along? 18 weeks 6 days/19 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +8lbs
Total weight gain/loss: +8lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes! That was hard!
Stretch marks? Not as far as I can tell! Hooray!
Sleep: Having a hard time getting comfortable and I always have to use the bathroom! Ugh!
Best moment this week: Jason being able to feel the baby move!
Movement: Yes but mostly when I am still!
Food cravings: Nothing really...
Gender: I have a girl feeling but won't find out until next week!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: being able to bend without compressing internal organs ;)
What I am looking forward to: The Ultrasound!
Weekly Wisdom: Relax
Milestones: Feeling the baby move!
Stretch marks? Not as far as I can tell! Hooray!
Sleep: Having a hard time getting comfortable and I always have to use the bathroom! Ugh!
Best moment this week: Jason being able to feel the baby move!
Movement: Yes but mostly when I am still!
Food cravings: Nothing really...
Gender: I have a girl feeling but won't find out until next week!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: being able to bend without compressing internal organs ;)
What I am looking forward to: The Ultrasound!
Weekly Wisdom: Relax
Milestones: Feeling the baby move!
I will add a bump picture today or tomorrow!
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